What is Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency asset that is secured by cryptography and uses a consensus mechanism to create a meetable database of transactions. This meetable database or leisure is referred to as a blockchain. Blockchain can be said to a group of people, all of whom have a shared copy of the same Excel spreadsheet.

Each row of a spreadsheet shows a transaction, from one account to another. Let’s suppose Person A has five coins and he decides to send two of those coins to Person B’s account. Before Person B accepts those coins, he goes towards the network of computers and checks the spreadsheets received by Person A, that if he really has those two coins. When B checks the couple of them, a term we called confirmations, B can see that A has the coins and then add the transactions to her spreadsheet and tell all the other computers that he now has two coins and A has three coins. B doesn’t have any idea who any of the users of these computers are. So he really cannot clue with them. Now why these strangers will help Person A and B? That’s because A included a small fee part of his transaction to send coins to B. Each of these computers is called Miners.

Some cryptocurrencies have the opportunity to generate their own coin as a reward, for helping a network function. In the contacts of my example, all the people in this network both the user transacting and computer mining, must come to an agreement that we called consensus on the rules of the game. Thus the system in this setting is a closed loop. Not covered by centralized loops like banks or the Government. This partly makes cryptocurrency difficult to counterfeit. Those two coins A and B cannot spend by A again.

Cryptocurrency technology is evolving at a rapid case and new consensus and governing ideas are been tested and implemented as we speak. You may probably be aware of one of these currencies known as Bitcoin. It started in 2009, written on a white paper by a pseudonymous person.

This invention was a part of the growing collection of technology that was coupled together into Bitcoin. As creator expressed a need to create a digital currency that was decentralized to not centrally controlled.

How does Crypto compare to Money?


Many Cryptocurrencies have different features and Objectives. A subset of cryptocurrency aims to solve some of the perceived challenges of fiat currency and aspired to become a form of currency to make payments or store value. Money is a medium of exchange, instead of trading goods like cows for goats.

People use different mediums to represent physical goods. For many years, people use precious metals and even Tobacco as standards. However, the government has adopted a form of money called Fiat, which is a currency that is not backed by a physical good but by the confidence of the Government Issue in the currency.


Bitcoin was the first and still one of the most well-known examples of cryptocurrency, let’s compare some of the properties of money like US dollars and compare it to Bitcoin for cows to be used as money, they must have uniform value among all cows be interchangeable between other cows and be widely accepted as an exchange of value for other goods and services, while possible it’s not very practical to use cows as a form of money when we examine US dollars, each dollar is unique but has a uniform unit of value that is widely accepted in the US and around the world as one US dollar just like our cow example the US dollar may not always be the feasible tool to exchange value or conduct commerce.


We want money that is usable today or in the future. We can use physical dollars or our dollars can be held in a bank in digital form giving them infinite durability. Can we say the same thing about Bitcoin? Yes, Bitcoin is a digitally native asset that’s stored electronically like a digital photo or document, which will not degrade over time. A unit of Bitcoin is as durable today as it was in 2010.

Money must be divisible and Portable:

If you are going to buy a home with gold would be cumbersome and difficult to precisely use the exact amount of gold like the US dollar make it. Much easier to purchase goods and services.

The Future of Finance-Cryptocurrency

Several other cryptocurrencies have adapted their standards or created versions of their own so most people today have no idea why the applications on their phones do what they do. You can reasonably predict that much of the internet and its technology will evolve with blockchain technology.

Many famous companies like Starbucks, Coca-cola, Tesla, and Burger King accept crypto as a form of payment. Crypto is beginning to move into our lives as a payment tool. Numerous online exchanges allow you to purchase or sell cryptocurrency with fiat currency.

The future of cryptocurrency appears bright. As a result of technological advancements, its global acceptability is growing. Countries are beginning to regulate it and companies are adopting it as a payment method.

The narrative of cryptocurrency is transitioning from an investment tool to a revolution that is poised to revolutionize comprehend and manage money. In the domain of cryptocurrency, however, knowledge is power. You could be on the verge of profiting from this digital gold stampede if you remain informed and savvy. Crypto is the future as its worth is increasing day by day.

Cryptocurrency in general may hold new possibilities for generating income; the basics are the same, you need to invest some time or money in order to make money.

PTC websites are actually Pay to click websites where you need to click on ads in order to earn money from ad sales in return you’ll get some coins.

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