LinkedIn Hacks, Complete Guide About How to find Remote jobs on LinkedIn in 2024?

How to find Remote jobs on LinkedIn?


So, you have created an account on LinkedIn but you do not know How to find Remote jobs on LinkedIn? Lucky you are, as you are at the right place where I will guide you on how you can find remote jobs on LinkedIn easily. Moreover, LinkedIn is a marketplace for searching and applying for jobs. I will share with you that how to search and apply for remote jobs on LinkedIn.

What is LinkedIn? How can I Use it to Find Job?

If you are not familiar, I will explain you. LinkedIn is one of the world’s largest professional networks on the internet. Here you can sign up and create a profile for completely free. Then you essentially add your resume, education, work experience, portfolio, skills, and information about yourself. You can add links for your work or portfolio. LinkedIn is a wide Marketplace. So, you can apply for as many jobs as you want for free.

How to do LinkedIn Profile settings; Step by Step Guide:

When I create a profile, LinkedIn algorithms show my profile to potential recruiters. That helps me get better job opportunities. I will share with you the profile settings that make my profile optimized and more visible to potential recruiters. I am also going to share with you how to add job preferences. And how to add open to work badge that makes your profile stand out. You just need to put this open-to-work badge on your profile picture. and someone in your field who is open to hire will come to know that you are available and willing to work.

Sign In to LinkedIn to Unlock Remote Jobs:

Step #1

So, the first step is to sign in to your LinkedIn and create your profile. I will not share the basic and minute things about profile creation. But I will focus on the process of How to find Remote jobs on LinkedIn. And the first thing in this regard is to create a public LinkedIn profile that should be visible to everyone. So that the clients or the recruiters can easily approach you. So, turn your profile public visibility ON.


If you don’t want to public your profile, it’s okay, still you can apply for jobs but it is good for increasing the visibility of your profile among recruiters and LinkedIn members to public your profile. So, I have public my profile my education, skills, my work experience all things are public.


Further, you can add new sections by clicking on the edit content, and clicking on the edit contents. So here you can add information about yourself, and your work experiences. In this way, by clicking on featured, you can edit your profile quickly. You can add links, media, add a post, or an article on LinkedIn. Post articles if you want to show your work.

Moreover, you can add education, your skills, or anything else to your profile. At the start of your profile section, under your profile picture and bio there is an open-for button, clicking on this button you can set a badge on your profile picture. You can set it “open to work” or “hiring” badge on your profile picture. In this way LinkedIn algorithm will show you in search results accordingly.

Step# 4

After doing all this now you can add services to your profile, this is the important part of finding Remote jobs on LinkedIn. You can add up to 10 services to your profile. For example, if you are a writer you can add to your skills, you provide SEO services you can add it, if you are a translator, you can add it to your profile. In this way, you can add up to ten different types of services.

In your About section, talk a little bit about your services and how you stand out. It is good if you share your projects and about years of your work experience, this can help you find the best clients.


And here in your work Location section, you can put where your location is, or you can put I am available to work remotely. This is good for those who want to work from home. Here another setting is important click and check on under client requests, select Allow LinkedIn members that you’re not connected with to message you for free. Selecting this means that people can reach out to you even if they are not in your connections.


Click next and publish your profile, you can select open to work badge, and in the job preference section, you can select up to five jobs roles you can do. Here it is important to choose workplaces, you can choose from onsite, hybrid, or remote. It is best to choose remote as we are discussing How to find Remote jobs on LinkedIn.

Under this, in the Job location section, you can choose any of your locations, but it is really not important for remote workers. Here on the start date, you can select immediately, I am actively applying. This is the best option to choose, for those remote workers who want to find a job.


Under this section, there are many options available for job types. You can as many options as you want according to your preferences. After this it’s important who you choose, to see your profile. You can choose from recruiters to any LinkedIn member, in my point of view it’s good to choose all LinkedIn members’ options. In case you are working for some company, but still looking for a better opportunity, you should check only the recruiter’s option. The LinkedIn algorithm will show your profile to recruiters except for your current company with complete privacy.

How to get Remote jobs on LinkedIn?

To find jobs go to the top of your profile section, and click here on the job. Here lots of job recommendations are present based on your skill set, qualifications, and work experience. Go into the search bar and search for a specific job you will get hundreds and thousands of results. You can also search for companies and apply for jobs in these companies as well. LinkedIn help you in landing on your dream job, by using LinkedIn.

If you are thinking about How to find Remote jobs on LinkedIn, I am here to guide you. You will search for remote jobs on LinkedIn by going into the job section and searching for a particular job you want to apply for, for example you want to search for a writer you will type there. Right next to the job search bar, there is a location search bar, simply go there. and type remote there you will find hundreds of results for remote jobs on LinkedIn.

You can further filter down by choosing the level of your experience and for a specific company. Use these filters for more specifications. Results will change according to the country or the filter you are using.

How to Apply for Jobs on LinkedIn?

When you are ready to apply for a job on LinkedIn. Click on whatever job you want, read the job description, and after this, you can click on save. The job is saved in see your saved jobs. You can check this job in my jobs section, by clicking on jobs you will see my jobs section. Moreover, If you want to directly apply you can click on apply button. This will link you directly to the website that is advertising for jobs. So you can create an account on whatever website it is by filling out the application form for job.

Further,there is another thing that you can do, you can type your job title and click on the easy-apply filter. you will be shown by the jobs, that have easy application methods. You just need to send the resume. You will just click on the easy apply and you will be able to upload your resume directly to the recruiters. This is a way easier process than filling out forms and stuff like that. You can upload your document easily instead of signing up and filling out forms. You might have to answer some of the questions. Then you can submit your application.

Follow up on your Remote Job Application:

After completing the job application process, follow up your application. You can drop a message to check out the status of your application. This will demonstrate that you are interested in the job position.

Join Relevant Job Groups:

In Addition their is another thing that will bring you more closer to your job hunt. Join your industry and job interest relevant groups. Be an active member of these groups. interact with people. answer to the questions asked in these groups. Share useful insights of the industry. You will become a prominent member. Their are lots chances that recruiters will approach you and you will land on the job of your choice.

Wrapping up How to find Remote jobs on LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is a marketplace for professionals. Use LinkedIn to find best community network and job opportunities for yourself. Further, share professional and engaging insights regarding your role, and optimize your profile. Again, stay active and use smart approaches, this will make you successful in grabbing remote job opportunities. Finally, the key to success on LinkedIn is to be active, and professional.

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